CamContact Sex SexyChayenne Zodiac sign Gemini !
I am 29 years old.
The color of my eyes are Blue-Green.
I was born on May 24, 1982 !

Who am I ?

My name is: "SexyChayenne".
My eye color is: "Blue-Green".
I am "161" tall.
Is my favorite perfume: " and JARDIN S,NIL EDT VAPO 100 ML".
Hello sweety, I am SexyChayenne and my greatest hobby is to seduce men and to make them happy ! Erotic is very important to me and most of all I enjoy sex with tall, trained, self-confident men. And last but not least, you should have a good sense of humour ! I don´t know much borders when it comes to sex and I´ve tried a lot of games yet ! But you can teach me more and more because I love to experiment L I V E in chat !

My favourite saying

“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” -- J. Robert Oppenheimer one of the key designers of the atomic bomb.

My Father saying

I always want to have more dancers in my company.

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My favorite joke

Q: How does a blonde high-5? A: She smacks herself in the forehead.

Jokes from my Girlfriends

Have you seen the new fishing website? No, it's not online yet.

Girl: Mom, mom a monster's just bitten my foot off. Mom: Well, keep out of the kitchen, I've just washed the floor.
Tip of the Day!

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